Finally got around to putting my old personalised plates on.
Also have tidied up a few items on the car: repainted front steering components, painted high brake stop light, added a bit of chequer plate to the heel area of the drivers side.
Took some pics too for the calendar which have been accepted to be published in next years :)
Welcome to my Lotus 7 Replica Blog
I intend to use this blog to show the various stages as I rebuild an old Lotus 7 replica from a bit of a mess to something respectable.
Along the way i'll detail the procedures required and hopefully inspire others to do similar.
Along the way i'll detail the procedures required and hopefully inspire others to do similar.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
New Badge complete
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Laser cut components
Through my work we have access to a company that does Laser cutting.
I got my father a new stainless dash cut for his boat, and due to the minimum charge, I thought I'd get a few other bits done out of aluminium too!
I got some bonnet vent surrounds out of 2mm and 3 sets of badge components from 3mm.
Currently I've got some cheap Lotus badges on the bonnet/boot and will be replacing them with these!
Once they are radiused and polished they will look really nice i think!
The bonnet vents are going to go on either side of my bonnet at the front and have aluminium mesh behind them to help remove some hot air from in there.
Stay tuned and I'll post the installed pics.
I got my father a new stainless dash cut for his boat, and due to the minimum charge, I thought I'd get a few other bits done out of aluminium too!
Currently I've got some cheap Lotus badges on the bonnet/boot and will be replacing them with these!
Once they are radiused and polished they will look really nice i think!
The bonnet vents are going to go on either side of my bonnet at the front and have aluminium mesh behind them to help remove some hot air from in there.
Stay tuned and I'll post the installed pics.
Saturday, March 6, 2010
New Wheels Installed
Sunday, February 28, 2010
New Wheels
Just bought some new 15" alloys for the Seven.
They will look really nice on the car, I will pick them up next weekend.
Here's a pic of them pre-install:
They will look really nice on the car, I will pick them up next weekend.
Here's a pic of them pre-install:
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
New Gearknob
Not a big update.
Have bought a nice weighted D1 black chrome gearknob.
Such a little item has made the car feel so much nicer, the weighting has given the gearshift a massive change in feel and slickness over the old plastic Toyota knob.
Coupled with the rebuilt steering rack, its a lot more enjoyable to chuck around!
Have bought a nice weighted D1 black chrome gearknob.
Such a little item has made the car feel so much nicer, the weighting has given the gearshift a massive change in feel and slickness over the old plastic Toyota knob.
Coupled with the rebuilt steering rack, its a lot more enjoyable to chuck around!
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Interior mods
Decided to do a little work on my interior.
Painted the alloy centre of my steering wheel a nice satin black, along with a custom horn button from some carbon sheet I made up a while ago. Also some Momo logos were added to make it look considerably better than before.
I also took some time to make up some badges for my dash switches, made on the computer, printed, lacquered and stuck on.
Painted the alloy centre of my steering wheel a nice satin black, along with a custom horn button from some carbon sheet I made up a while ago. Also some Momo logos were added to make it look considerably better than before.
I also took some time to make up some badges for my dash switches, made on the computer, printed, lacquered and stuck on.
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